Hi, my name is Nadia and I need a kidney! I'm 10 years old; a student at PS 83 in Bronx, New York. One day I was very sick and we went to the hospital. That's when we found out I have End Stage Renal Disease. I had to go for dialysis 3 or 4 times a week, sometimes stay in the hospital. Soon I will have an operation to correct a vascular problem and require dialysis for 10 hours a day, 7 days a week. My mom and family takes care of me and some new friends are trying to help me find a kidney.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

More help & My birthday!

I just want to thank AnnaMaria and Mark again for helping so much. Also J&D Snacks Utz distributors who have donated lots of Utz chips and they are being sold at my school PS83. Thanks to all the teachers and my classmates who are also helping out!
It's my birthday Monday...I am excited!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Front Page News!

Check out the Bronx Times for the wonderful article drawing attention to
Nadia Uddin the ten year old neighborhood girl who needs a kidney!
Buy the paper locally (Bronx, NY) or see the article online at:

MPCA members, AnnaMaria DiNofrio and Mark Anthony have been working hard in their fundraising efforts for Nadia and her family. They have placed containers donated by J&D Snacks, Utz Distributors in local businesses.

AnnaMaria has worked closely with J&D Snacks who have also generously donated Utz chips. She has also started a campaign with Nadia's school P.S 83. Teachers and students are also concerned for their classmate and are making great efforts to support her during this time. Delgado's Karate School (Bronx, NY) is still offering some classes ($120. value) at $20. in support of Nadia. Check Nadia's sites for more on what is going on in support of her.
Also, it's Nadia's birthday Monday! Be sure to use the contact page and send her a note!
Happy Birthday Nadia!

Please check out her websites, if you are in the area stop by a local store or the regular meeting of the Morris Park Association Wednesdays 7:30 pm 1824 Bronxdale Avenue, 10462 to show support of Nadia.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Message from My Friends at Morris Park Community Association

The Morris Park Community Association (MPCA) are proud to announce the launch of MPCA Members AnnaMaria DiNofrio, and Mark Anthony's campaign to help Morris Park resident, Nadia Uddin & her Family. They have worked hard to garner the support of local businesses. Delgados, a local Karate School, is offering a special deal on classes in support of Nadia. Containers donated by our local Utz distributor, J&D Snacks are being placed all over town. We anticipate the participation of the entire community and hopefully the world!

AnnaMaria and Mark Anthony efforts to support this young neighborhood girl will also include a future event at Nadia Uddin's school, P.S. 83 in the Bronx, NY; a kidney drive; possible raffle: They will not stop until they help Nadia and her Family through this crisis! Most Importantly, Nadia needs a kidney!

We look forward to everyone joining this community in its support!

If you're in the Bronx, find out how you can help by coming to the regular meeting of the Morris Park Community Association, Wednesdays at 7:30p.m. 1824 Morris Park Avenue, Bronx, NY 10462.

You Can Help ...

You can help
Be my donor
Would you like to be my kidney donor?
Check out the donor pages and be tested!
Contact: needskidney@gmail.com

Do your bit & get fit
If you live in the Bronx too, you can help me & you!!
Delgado's Karate School at Morris Park Avenue Bronx, NY 10461 is offering
1 full month of KICKBOXING or KARATE CLASSES with a UNIFORM for just $20!!!!!
To do your bit, have fun & get fit call: 718-931-8163

Have an idea
Have an ideas on how you can help me out or find me a kidney?
Contact my buddy markanthonygc@yahoo.com

End Stage Renal Disease - Why I Need a Kidney

What is End-Stage Renal Disease?
It is also known as Chronic Renal Failure or Kidney Failure. It's what I have. It means that my kidneys don't work. It's permanent, my kidney won't get better... I NEED A KIDNEY.

Why I Need a Kidney?
Pretty much, kidneys filter the blood and get rid of all the waste, extra water and stuff called electrolytes which your body doesn't need. They keep your bodies fluids balanced. Kidneys also help regulate blood pressure by getting rid of extra sodium. They also release a hormone which helps produce red blood cells in our bone marrow which are then released into our bloodstream. Kidneys also regulate calcium and other minerals and work with some of our other body organs to make sure our ones grow and are healthy.