Hi, my name is Nadia and I need a kidney! I'm 10 years old; a student at PS 83 in Bronx, New York. One day I was very sick and we went to the hospital. That's when we found out I have End Stage Renal Disease. I had to go for dialysis 3 or 4 times a week, sometimes stay in the hospital. Soon I will have an operation to correct a vascular problem and require dialysis for 10 hours a day, 7 days a week. My mom and family takes care of me and some new friends are trying to help me find a kidney.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

You Can Help ...

You can help
Be my donor
Would you like to be my kidney donor?
Check out the donor pages and be tested!
Contact: needskidney@gmail.com

Do your bit & get fit
If you live in the Bronx too, you can help me & you!!
Delgado's Karate School at Morris Park Avenue Bronx, NY 10461 is offering
1 full month of KICKBOXING or KARATE CLASSES with a UNIFORM for just $20!!!!!
To do your bit, have fun & get fit call: 718-931-8163

Have an idea
Have an ideas on how you can help me out or find me a kidney?
Contact my buddy markanthonygc@yahoo.com

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